

In a fresh take on the beloved office comedy genre, “The Office (Australia)” introduces us to Hannah Howard, portrayed by the talented Felicity Ward. As the Managing Director of Flinley Craddick, a packaging company struggling in the post-COVID era, Hannah’s world is turned upside down when she receives the shocking news that her branch is set for closure and her team will be forced into remote work. Determined to save her job and the jobs of her quirky colleagues, Hannah embarks on a series of hilarious and often misguided attempts to prove the value of her branch.

The series delves into the challenges and unexpected joys of working from home, exploring the dynamics between coworkers who are suddenly thrown into each other’s personal spaces. From video call mishaps to domestic disturbances, “The Office (Australia)” captures the absurdities of remote work with wit and charm. It also highlights the importance of human connection and resilience in the face of adversity.

As Hannah navigates the ups and downs of managing a team virtually, she discovers that true leadership isn’t about the office space but about the relationships built within it. With each episode, viewers are treated to a heartwarming and often hilarious look at what it means to be a team in today’s digital age.


In a fresh take on the beloved office comedy genre, “The Office (Australia)” introduces us to Hannah Howard, portrayed by the talented Felicity Ward. As the Managing Director of Flinley Craddick, a packaging company struggling in the post-COVID era, Hannah’s world is turned upside down when she receives the shocking news that her branch is set for closure and her team will be forced into remote work. Determined to save her job and the jobs of her quirky colleagues, Hannah embarks on a series of hilarious and often misguided attempts to prove the value of her branch.

The series delves into the challenges and unexpected joys of working from home, exploring the dynamics between coworkers who are suddenly thrown into each other’s personal spaces. From video call mishaps to domestic disturbances, “The Office (Australia)” captures the absurdities of remote work with wit and charm. It also highlights the importance of human connection and resilience in the face of adversity.

As Hannah navigates the ups and downs of managing a team virtually, she discovers that true leadership isn’t about the office space but about the relationships built within it. With each episode, viewers are treated to a heartwarming and often hilarious look at what it means to be a team in today’s digital age.

《办公室(澳洲版)》是由未知导演执导,Felicity Ward,Edith Poor,斯特恩·拉斯科普洛斯,Shari Sebbens,乔希·汤姆森,乔尼·布鲁,帕拉维·沙尔达,苏珊·玲·杨,Raj Labade,Lucy Schmit,费拉斯·迪拉尼等领衔主演,并于2024年在澳大利亚地区正式上映的喜剧类型影视作品。 根据影視天堂收集到的信息来看,《办公室(澳洲版)》片长未知(全集未删减完整版),目前已有0位观众给与0分的评价,目前豆瓣评分是0分。 并且《办公室(澳洲版)》总点击量已经达到0次,其中日点击量0次,周点击量0次,月点击量0次。
影視天堂于2024-10-20从网络收集到《办公室(澳洲版)》并归类到美剧,该片最近更新日期是2024-10-20,当前更新状态是:全8集。 由于该片源收集至网络,请大家观看时不要相信任何广告。 影視天堂(https://www.ny168.net)提供《办公室(澳洲版)》高清在线播放,《办公室(澳洲版)》手机免费在线观看,更多免费美剧请持续关注本站。

